Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 30

Today, I continued with the meteor. I consulted Mr Ari with regards to the glow of the meteor and the flickering of the smoke. He told me that I could do the glow in post or add a geometry light to the rock. I could then add a glow shader to the geometry light to further enhance it.

For the motion blur, he told me the problem that I had before with the motion blur was because I didn't increase the pixel samples in my mantra. After he helped me increase the pixel samples, The motion blur artifacts went away. ( But the render time increase by 3 times I think )

Above is a incomplete render of smoke with the motion blur. I couldn't wait for it to finish. Anyway, I couldn't visualize the smoke flickering now as it is not showing in the viewport. Let's hope motion blur could at least do something to fix that problem hopefully. After that I moved on to do the glow effect for the rock. I just messed around with the glow shader and the light intensity of the geometry light.

After that Charles gave a very interesting class about expressions. The class was more directed towards using expressions to do animations of objects. Like for example, animating objects using sine, cosine functions etc. That was all about what I have done today. Hopefully more tomorrow.

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