Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Day 49

Today, I am still at the process of extracting a single bgeo file of the exact scatter points used. Having a real hard time doing that, due to houdini being so slow. I am at the last stage of it, at the foreach sop. And that foreach sop has been running for an hour plus and it is not even creating the point in the center of each piece yet.
God knows when it will finish. I'm only at estimated 25k scatter points and 50 by 50 for resolution.

Anyway, while I was at that, I went back to shaders. I consulted Charles and Mr Steven regarding the scaling problem I had with my shaders. Mr Steven told me that I should do my transform before my UVProject. So that my UVs are of the same scale as my terrain.



I fixed the UVs and it still doesn't work. I consulted Charles regarding this problem. He told me that it's because the UV's are scaled in world space.

He did a multiplied the point position by a constant and then connects that into a rest position node.

He didn't change anything else, except connect all inputs into the rest position node.

Shader Network:

I didn't build this.

After that I did some simple test. I then send an update to Mr Steven. Mr Steven told me that looked okay and asked me to proceed.

I then decided to copy the nodes into my actual simulation file. (I was working on a test file)

After that, I decided to do a test render of the terrain at the exact resolution I was going to use. Will post them when they are done/available.

Some test renders of the terrain with the shader:

I rebuilt the file in commercial version and it looked different...But still decent I hope.

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