Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 2

Today was the second day of our Side Effects Internship. We arrived inside the office at around 9.30a.m. We saw Mr Michael and Mr Richard inside talking. We introduced ourselves to Mr Richard. Mr Richard came to Singapore previously and also to our school to discuss the educational licenses for our school's Houdini. We were introduced to him back then. We also met Ari, who wasn't here for the first day. We settled down and met him later for a small intern assignment.

We are supposed to create a rocket digital asset that can be passed on to another artists for control.
After knowing what we have to do, we then proceeded back to our computers to start work. At first, I was kind of stuck because modelling wasn't a very strong aspect of mine, and I was supposed to model procedurally in Houdini. That wasn't very optimistic. However, I settled down and started. It took me quite long and many tries to finally get it to work.

Some nice people from the company brought food for everyone to eat. It was brownie and some rice cakes which was new to me. They tasted so good.

Mr Michael left around 10am because he had to catch a flight back to Singapore. It was nice having him here for a couple of days. And I was grateful to him for helping us settle down into life here, our office life and also the help he provided. Take care and have a safe flight!

Anyways after the short meal, We continued working on our rocket. When Ari was free, He came by and asked us to go to his office and he gave us a inside on how he did his own rocket asset. His work flow was to do it in parts and the many modelling techniques he used was new to me too. To be honest, I learned something from him too. After that, he went through our storyboards with us. I presented 3 ideas which I came up with:

1- The wave like smashing effect in THOR the movie.
2- Some rock dissolving into dust.
3- Some foggy, misty scene with a sword in the middle.

Almost immediately, he told me that he prefered the first idea. Luckily that was also what I was hoping for. But however he told me that before I can present to my industrial mentor( who is Steven Ong) I got to get better drawings.

Anyways after the discussion, We are free to leave, as the office staff had to get ready for a 2days conference in their office. YEAH! 2 OFF DAYS!

We went off to get dinner, We had dinner at the food court near our office and the place was scenic. And the wind felt very comfortable. We also went to withdraw money to pay the rent. 700 dollars. OUCH!

We came home after that, I was tired so I went to bed early. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a fruitful off day!

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